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Business Continuity Plan | Migrating and Mapping Data with Ease

The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) was initiated in April of 2020 to simplify the process of mapping data migration. Tesser Insights worked alongside a Fortune 500 company to assist in migrating their data using Azure Data Factory. The BCP project was undertaken to migrate old legacy data into new platforms on the cloud. The process involved migrating a hundred and thirty-five reports using a Python programme. The programme was designed to automate the reports into a single document. Besides this, the task involved analysing and reporting queries. The role played by Tesser in the project was to manage the data flow using Azure Data Factory and ADF pipelines. The input was given in the format of parquet files, which were to be loaded to the target destination in the Azure Synapse tables. The data was loaded to these tables with the help of ADF pipelines. In addition to data loading, Tesser also handled the data quality checks. The main challenges of this project included the mapping of resource data and aggregate tables. Tesser loaded seventy tables which are consumed by forty eight reports. These reports are currently being employed by the end user. Presently, incremental data load happens on a daily basis for all seventy tables. In case of any lapse in the blob/input file for a particular day, a notification is immediately sent via email alert. The Extract Data Load team is then notified to load the data for that specific day.

Customer feedback “Your knowledge, technical experience in Azure ADF development was crucial in delivering the business requirement on time. You have shown flexibility in adapting the project needs and going above & beyond in meeting the tasks assigned to you. Without you, we would not have achieved this milestone.”

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